A little history on the Northeast Louisiana Rose Society...
The Northeast Louisiana Rose Society was founded in the 1960’s with membership of about 30 people but did not become a chartered member of the American Rose Society until 1984. Each spring they held a Rose Show at the Ouachita National Bank Building. Exhibitors came to Monroe from Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee and Mississippi. The show was always the last full weekend in April of each year. At this time the Northeast Louisiana Rose Society was one of the few societies that had an arrangement division. The Monroe Garden Club handled that and they did a class job with theme of always centered around roses. At one time membership in the Northeast Louisiana Rose Society increased to about 60 members. Currently (2017), membership in 27 people.
The Northeast Louisiana Society meets on the 3rd Sunday of each month at the home of a society member. As this location changes, it is best to consult the District Calendar for the time and location.
Currently Northeast Louisiana Rose Society yearly dues are $10 per person.